At the same time as developing techniques for constructing uniquely
decorated sails I have been gently developing different shaped kites –
all based upon the basic frame format of the korean style kite. Each of
the different shapes produces a kite with unique flight characteristics –
each suited to a different style of flying, to different wind
conditions, or even to the different moods of the flyer.
I shall soon be adding to this section of the site. I would like to be able use this section to offer other flyers information on building and flying fighter kites – I have always worked through experiments and some things have worked, whilst others have been disastrous. It should not be necessary for everyone to make the same mistakes as me.
I am currently preparing a few brief downloads on (a) the selection of flying lines for freestyle flying, (b) the positioning of bridle points, and (c) the effects of different shaped holes on the speed and control of fighter kites.